Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Small World and teaching methods

This picture is of Joyce, one of the teachers I worked with yesterday. Check out her school bag - Kincaid Furnishings!! Kim and Steve Kincaid donated money to get us here, and here is their company in a village in Malawi! Kim you were obviously on my mind yesterday.

This is a picture of all the teachers from the school yesterday. We also worked with some student teachers.

We do condom demonstrations with bananas. After the demo, we have the students eat the banana to show that condoms keep you protected and that the lubricant is good for the skin. Then we have two students compete to see who can blow up the condom the biggest before it pops. This is to show the durability of the condoms and to prove that one size DOES fit all!!
This picture just cracked me up - the left overs of our demo.

This picture was taken during one of our interactive classroom games. This one focuses on HIV prevention. The four students in the front of the class represent faithfulness (far left), covering up (middle), and abstinence (far right). The rest of the students do not know this and the whole class is told to shake hands with at least 6 people in the room. The faithful two won't shake with anyone except each other, the covered up person will only shake with the covered hand, and the abstaining person holds both hands behind his back and won't shake with anyone. After everyone sits down on of our volunteers says that in this game shaking hands represents having unprotected sex. She then says that for this game she has HIV. Anyone that shook hands with her (usually lots because they love to interact with the volunteers) has to sit down. Then everyone that shook hands with the people sitting down has to sit down also, etc until the only ones standing are the 4 students at the front of the class. The volunteer explains what their hand shaking behavior represents and why they are safe from HIV.


  1. And you used to get nervous when Brett and I used scale the scaffolding at the old house in High Point when painting! Looks crazy!

  2. Hi ya"ll! I bet you haven't heard that lately? Hope you are having a great time! I am enjoying your writings. This picture looks like a construction site I have on Beech Mtn?
    Be safe!
